

I don't do horoscope readings currently.

Read past horoscope readings on steemit.


Watch more videos on my YouTube channel.


Illustration (Original/Fan Arts)

Look at more illustrations on pixiv.


I'm a Japanese living in Japan.
I was born on Oct 31st, 1980 in Japan, female, 39 years old.
I studied in Singapore and the UK.
-ISS International School, Singapore
A-Level: Math A, Chemistory A, Biology B
-Imperial College London
Bachelor of Science with lower 2nd in Chemistry in 2003

After the educations, I had worked as a programmer in Japan for six years since 2003.
I was fired during the 2008 financial crisis (actually, not due to the crisis but disputes against my boss), and could not get a new job.
Then, after a few years of struggles against mental disorders (and the economic crisis), I started working again, this time as a support for sales, for three years.
Again, after a few years of struggles (or maybe just a very long break : )), finally, in the year 2017, I decided to learn things that I'm doing above.


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